I dont know exactly how I got confused but Im pretty sure it was announced that Easter was next Sunday...so I didnt know that it already happened...so I'm thinking maybe I'll celebrate this weekend anyways. But I'm so glad you got to go to roosevelt and enjoy family and friends. Sounds like everyone made it home safe..and hopefully getting over sicknesses and sun burns and cactus stings.
This week was really good. Met some great people, and had fun doing it. The weather is getting much better...today is actually pretty warm. Get rain or snow randomly but its been alot better. I feel like I need to apologize to dad for making fun of him eating those nasty things out of shells at the payson chinese reastaraunt...I eat them now...whether I love it or not , well thats unimportant...but I eat them. Weird to see how far I've come hehe.
We got to watch general conference this weekend...we had a bunch of missionarys and we all brought snacks and watched it on a big screen tv at church..it was a dream. We went streetboarding after conference yesterday...and had a very interesting event if you will haha....this lady walked by and we talked to her...couldn't tell if she was drunk or not but...something was different...anyway long ( though very interesting) story short...she felt sick and wanted the elders to carry her home...but they couldnt...so i gave her a piggyback haha....we got to the building and I swear she said 3rd floor but when we got there...she said keep going haha. I mean she was skinny...but...it was a good workout hehe. she was fun, shes 26, and I think she needs a lot of help....but I felt like we were really supposed to meet her. We left and started streetboarding again but she came back! She was hungry and bored...and pretty much I think just needs friends....we spent a while with her ...it was uncomfortable but cool in a lot of ways. I was glad i had just listened to a talk on not judging others haha.I really got to see what she can be in the future and not the state she is in now. we took her back to the church to try and watch a movie or something and get out of cold but just ended up talking. her leg is hurt....i think its actually out of the socket ( hence why she cant climb stairs) so we asked how she hurt it and all she would say is i met a bad person. yikes. when we first saw her hair looked like she didn't wash it in awhile and make-up was packed on and smeared, she washed her face in the bathroom and I braided her hair out of her face...she looked like a completely different person, she looked so beautiful. We had to help her back to the place we took her before. We are gonna try to see her on tuesday again. When we were talking at the church she said she had seen me before, it just kinda reaffirmed that we were supposed to meet. I'm not sure how we are going to be able to help her, but I could feel Gods love for her, and I know he wants to help her too. Hopefully next week I'll have a good update on her.
Our district is going on a picnic today! hooray for good weather!!!! I hope you have great week and enjoy april while it lasts hehe....they seeem to be flying by!
LOVE YOU! Sister Richardson