Sunday, July 29, 2012
July 25, 2012
Sister Richardson - marks her ONE YEAR ~ IN COUNTRY on July 25, 2012! She actually has less than 100 days left....a bitter sweet thought, she says. She has her travel plans already - but things could change -She should arrive - Friday - October 26, 2012 - at 2pm at Sky Harbor - Phoenix. Will keep you posted of any changes between now and then!
July 29 -30, 2012
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My Favorite Elder - at the Temple |
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Part of our English Class - they took us on a Picnic to an Island on the Big Kang River - Angel, Frank, Daniel, Liz - Me and "Mom" |
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Close up of "Daniel" |
Me at a Waterfall while on the Picnic |
Last week went to the War Museum - |
YUMMY Soup I was telling you about! |
More of War Museum |
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TIGER! - With Sis Ganpurev |
Me Catching up on Letter Writing - waiting for ride |
Our District! |
Sister Kang about to eat Pig intestines stuffed with noodles |
The Gramma that grabbed my hand and didn't let go! |
of time today! So I'm sorry I cant write a good letter this week but wanted
to send some pics.
We went to war museum and temple day this last week super fun and some
of our english class members took us on a picnic saturday on a little
island of the big kang river. So pretty so enjoy some pics. and sorry
i cant write much. but all is well and son jiyeoun came to church
again! hooray!
Love you!!!
Sister Richardson
Monday, July 23, 2012
July 16, 2012
wow its too fun to just write back and forth but then the
time is
almost up and i cant tell you about our week. but ill try really fast!
This week was AMAZING!!!!!
We’ve been meeting this cute little girl ( ok she’s 42 but doesn’t act
like it) she’s soooo funny...maybe I told you about her I don’t know,
but she is the artist, and has been really fun meeting with her and she
seemed to be progressing, well this week she just took off!!! She came
to our Family Home Evening activity Monday , we did Olympics ( thanks for 22 years of
Easter Olympic experience :) and it was a miracle in it self she came
cause she said no but her husband went to dinner with friends so she
decided to come! and she loved it! she was so impressed with all the
members and the fact that it was all ages and families together and she
just loved it...and then they had really good food after and she still
talks about it today then we met with her on Tuesday and she
took us to lunch and ice cream and THEN we invited her to a Relief
Society activity and again at first she said no but then we told her
that same yummy food making sisters were making food again haha so she
came! and again LOVED IT! I was worried cause they had like an hour
discussion/lesson thing but she loved that too! and we played fun
games and had amazing foood, and while we were eating she started
telling all the sisters how she met us and how she used to hate
churches but now she’s learning about our church and its not just to
learn English anymore and how she’s so impressed with us and what we do
and on and on it was amazing....and she still wanted to meet AGAIN
that same day to do our English and lesson. So when we got there she
kinda skipped right over English and we taught plan of salvation and
asked her to be baptized.... she said at first it sounded scary haha
and then she said she wants her husband to do too. Anyway we kinda
left a little discouraged cause we thought she was for sure ready...but
then the next day she called us and wanted us to meet her
went and met with them and je-yun (artist) just started telling her
sister everything about our church! and like oh they do this...and its
so cool and they don’t do this...and its so coool...then taught her the
plan of salvation! haha we were just sitting back in amazement! Super
long story short...she also came to English class and CHURCH! She sang
with the RF in sacrament meeting and all! AH! she’s amazing. and we are
meeting with her for lunch today too! I’ll have to go more into details
maybe in real letter....but Sister Rovelsky and I were so excited this maybe we found our reason for being in Mokdong :)
don’t have much time to tell anything about our week but it was busy
and way good!
I love you so much! Have a wonderful week! Next week is already
transfer calls! WHAT?!?! so crazy fast its unreal.
LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
almost up and i cant tell you about our week. but ill try really fast!
This week was AMAZING!!!!!
We’ve been meeting this cute little girl ( ok she’s 42 but doesn’t act
like it) she’s soooo funny...maybe I told you about her I don’t know,
but she is the artist, and has been really fun meeting with her and she
seemed to be progressing, well this week she just took off!!! She came
to our Family Home Evening activity Monday , we did Olympics ( thanks for 22 years of
Easter Olympic experience :) and it was a miracle in it self she came
cause she said no but her husband went to dinner with friends so she
decided to come! and she loved it! she was so impressed with all the
members and the fact that it was all ages and families together and she
just loved it...and then they had really good food after and she still
talks about it today then we met with her on Tuesday and she
took us to lunch and ice cream and THEN we invited her to a Relief
Society activity and again at first she said no but then we told her
that same yummy food making sisters were making food again haha so she
came! and again LOVED IT! I was worried cause they had like an hour
discussion/lesson thing but she loved that too! and we played fun
games and had amazing foood, and while we were eating she started
telling all the sisters how she met us and how she used to hate
churches but now she’s learning about our church and its not just to
learn English anymore and how she’s so impressed with us and what we do
and on and on it was amazing....and she still wanted to meet AGAIN
that same day to do our English and lesson. So when we got there she
kinda skipped right over English and we taught plan of salvation and
asked her to be baptized.... she said at first it sounded scary haha
and then she said she wants her husband to do too. Anyway we kinda
left a little discouraged cause we thought she was for sure ready...but
then the next day she called us and wanted us to meet her
went and met with them and je-yun (artist) just started telling her
sister everything about our church! and like oh they do this...and its
so cool and they don’t do this...and its so coool...then taught her the
plan of salvation! haha we were just sitting back in amazement! Super
long story short...she also came to English class and CHURCH! She sang
with the RF in sacrament meeting and all! AH! she’s amazing. and we are
meeting with her for lunch today too! I’ll have to go more into details
maybe in real letter....but Sister Rovelsky and I were so excited this maybe we found our reason for being in Mokdong :)
don’t have much time to tell anything about our week but it was busy
and way good!
I love you so much! Have a wonderful week! Next week is already
transfer calls! WHAT?!?! so crazy fast its unreal.
LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
July 15, 2012
Hello hello....sounds like another good busy week. glad mom
made it back home safely and hopefully papa bear is eating again. :)
We had president interviews this week. Found out they know
the Edwards! In fact went to Bishops g-mas funeral or something and said Sam
was playing the violin! Small world...I guess they are in his home ward while
he was growing up. Our elders were too hungry and impatient...they didn’t want
to wait for us so left and so we ended up getting to eat with Pres and his
wife! They are really fun she’s hilarious...reminds me of Jenn’s friend
This week was pretty good. lots of interesting people that
we met and pretty fun experiences of course. The one guy I sent a picture of
last week tried to hug my companion a couple of times today haha it was so
funny, I’m trying to pull him off and explain (Can't hug missionaries) but he just keeps saying no they
did it like this in America haha.
Sorry I don’t have a ton of time left to write so this will
be kinda short. This last week we tried visiting some less actives but it was
really sad, one door was closed so fast I just can’t even understand but we
also found 3 more investigators! So we have a lot of appointments and trying to
help them all prepare to receive baptismal dates but....not sure if they are
ready yet...we will try anyway.
I’m getting another box ready to send home....anything in
particular you want?
I love you! Hope you have good week!
Sister Richardson
July 9, 2012
July 9,
Happy fourth of July! I didn’t know it was last week so I forgot to
it then....but then we remembered and thought about the good ole US of
A. sounds like you were all lazy heads and missed the fireworks haha so
I guess I didn’t miss out on much.
We had a pretty good week. We had a good district meeting Wed and then
Friday morning we got to meet the new mission pres and his wife! His
wife is so funny we just love her already and she made us spaghetti,
rolls and salad! Wow that was semi strange but so so delicious. He is
very good too...I still have a hard time missing President Lee and his
happy smiling face, but Pres. Christensen is great.
it then....but then we remembered and thought about the good ole US of
A. sounds like you were all lazy heads and missed the fireworks haha so
I guess I didn’t miss out on much.
We had a pretty good week. We had a good district meeting Wed and then
Friday morning we got to meet the new mission pres and his wife! His
wife is so funny we just love her already and she made us spaghetti,
rolls and salad! Wow that was semi strange but so so delicious. He is
very good too...I still have a hard time missing President Lee and his
happy smiling face, but Pres. Christensen is great.
This week we found 3 new investigators! 2 friends they are 20 ish and
fluent in English but its so cool cause they aren’t meeting to learn English!
We met one of them on the street and she said she’d meet again, and
then when we met she brought her friend! I was kinda worried that
maybe they didn’t understand why we wanted to meet and we were just
gonna go hang out but then I was talking to her friend and she said "I
don’t have religion, my family never has but I’ve heard your church’s name
before...can you tell me more about it?" haha um ....YES! so it went
pretty well in fact we met Sat and then yesterday again and they
accepted to a soft baptismal commitment! So hopefully they will
continue to progress well! We cant see them this week though :( we
also met another guy he stayed in Utah with a member family so knows a
lot about the church. Hard thing is his parents are hard core Buddhist
so even though he believes in Jesus Christ he cant do much about
it...he said his mom has torn up every bible she’s found of his. we
tried to give Book of Mormon and he said he really wants to accept it but he
knows it wont go ok at home. But he is going to come to church next
week! So hopefully through coming to church and meeting with us he
will recognize that God will provide a way for him to join us.
That’s kind of the highlights of the week. I don’t have much time for anything
else :) ill try to go send pics really fast! I love you so so much!
take care and always traveling because, be safe!
Richardson 자매 Our Zone
Tuesday, July 17, 2012
July 2, 2012
We had a
good week. Picked up a new 구도자, its so much easier to write
then investigator so from now on...just know that that’s what it means.
She is so cool...40's married, got an English flyer from missionaries
awhile ago and called but they never answered so then just recently
she has a miscarriage and was pretty down and needed to do something
to help stress and what not so wanted to do English, called and got
us! She’s an artist! She gave us a ton of her brochures and even a huge
book with famous Koreans. and she’s in it! She’s so fun and we were able
to meet her twice this week. she doesn’t have much church background
but after making an appointment with us she said she had a dream with a
cross and she’s like i don’t know why cause I’m not religious but I think
it has something to do with meeting with you guys. Since she’s artist
she was open minded and willing to learn, she also knew someone who
studied English with us and is a member so she thinks very highly of
our church! We are so excited and hope to see her progress.
then investigator so from now on...just know that that’s what it means.
She is so cool...40's married, got an English flyer from missionaries
awhile ago and called but they never answered so then just recently
she has a miscarriage and was pretty down and needed to do something
to help stress and what not so wanted to do English, called and got
us! She’s an artist! She gave us a ton of her brochures and even a huge
book with famous Koreans. and she’s in it! She’s so fun and we were able
to meet her twice this week. she doesn’t have much church background
but after making an appointment with us she said she had a dream with a
cross and she’s like i don’t know why cause I’m not religious but I think
it has something to do with meeting with you guys. Since she’s artist
she was open minded and willing to learn, she also knew someone who
studied English with us and is a member so she thinks very highly of
our church! We are so excited and hope to see her progress.
We started
an activity with the ward, we are using Mosiah 18:21 and wanted to try
and unite the ward somehow so we made hearts with the scripture on one
side and then we are giving them to some members to start the chain,
they write a note on the other side to another member and then we
deliver to that member and they write a new one its been fun
tracking people down and making them share the love :) Our Bishop liked
the idea and even named the project i don’t know exactly what its
called in English but basically "one heart".
and unite the ward somehow so we made hearts with the scripture on one
side and then we are giving them to some members to start the chain,
they write a note on the other side to another member and then we
deliver to that member and they write a new one its been fun
tracking people down and making them share the love :) Our Bishop liked
the idea and even named the project i don’t know exactly what its
called in English but basically "one heart".
We are expecting rainy season to start any rained a while
last week just one night and up until we left the house so it was
perfect timing but other than that its just been sunny and swimming
through the thick air.
This morning I was walking here and thought dang my calves are really I thought back to the week and said well yeah we’ve gone
running every day...except when it was peeing. ( and when i first
thought that, it made perfect sense because rain in Korean sounds like
pee in I threw in the Korean vocab into my English train
of thought and then I realized how weird that sounds.)
Well I have to go renew my visa today! How weird I’ve almost been here for a year!
We had a little time after getting my Visa renewed and stopped off at this park for a little Study Time! (Sister Rovelsky)
Sis Rovelsky eating this ice/ice cream/red bean yummy dessert
and since we were "Jesus people" the lady gave us free duk boggi! (I sent you chips that were that flavour)
Our new Mission President is here! I think we will meet him on Friday.
ok bye.
Monday, July 16, 2012
June 25, 2012
Well we got
transfer calls last Monday night.... I am now emailing you
from 목동 (moke-dong)! My dear Mongolian sister G is now in a 3-some
with greenie and another Korean....and I am with my sister.
Literally....we had the same trainer (which for mission family history
is our mom...which makes us sisters :) Her name is Sister Rovelsky,
from Ohio.... and a runner :)
Thanks for your prayers :)
from 목동 (moke-dong)! My dear Mongolian sister G is now in a 3-some
with greenie and another Korean....and I am with my sister.
Literally....we had the same trainer (which for mission family history
is our mom...which makes us sisters :) Her name is Sister Rovelsky,
from Ohio.... and a runner :)
Thanks for your prayers :)
She called
me Monday night kinda laughing
and said....we don’t have any investigators...I was like ok this is
going to be a good transfer! Time to get to work...and no worries about
English only interest people. So far we have had an awesome week... as
soon as we walked out of our house Wednesday said Hi to 3 women and they
said “Oh we want to learn English!” Since then we have met with one of
them and she is one of our new investigators! We do actually have
another man ( kinda weird I haven’t had a man investigator since last
August!) he seems like he is really interested and we had a pretty
good lesson with him. Since he’s male we had to have a female member
with us, and she did such a good job, and she’s amazing and so fun, she
took us to dinner after the lesson, and we found out she was less
active for like her whole life, and then ran into the missionaries and
decided to go back. Now she’s so neat.
and said....we don’t have any investigators...I was like ok this is
going to be a good transfer! Time to get to work...and no worries about
English only interest people. So far we have had an awesome week... as
soon as we walked out of our house Wednesday said Hi to 3 women and they
said “Oh we want to learn English!” Since then we have met with one of
them and she is one of our new investigators! We do actually have
another man ( kinda weird I haven’t had a man investigator since last
August!) he seems like he is really interested and we had a pretty
good lesson with him. Since he’s male we had to have a female member
with us, and she did such a good job, and she’s amazing and so fun, she
took us to dinner after the lesson, and we found out she was less
active for like her whole life, and then ran into the missionaries and
decided to go back. Now she’s so neat.
I met Sister Reidhead from Prescott! She is in my zone! We went
streetboarding and even had dinner with them last night! Very
nice...she’s still pretty tired though hehe. Fun to hear the stuff
that’s weird about Korea cause you forget it’s weird...speaking of
weird...oh mylanta!!!! I have a bed! I hate it!!! haha. I saw it and
just felt so uncomfortable...she said you can have the bed this time I
had it last transfer I was like no no no i don’t want it. But she made
me...I haven’t been able to sleep super well....every time I move it
moves...and I’m so close to the ceiling, feels like...its so
I told her we have to switch every week :)
The ward here is super super small, I think under 40 people were at
church....tons of less actives and so we came up with a project to
kinda help them be more united and hopefully reach out to the less
actives, we will see how it goes.
I had to speak in church yesterday, it was pretty fun, also there are
2 Americans in our girl served here awhile ago and came
back for some school thing for a few months and then another guy who
served in different mission but in Korea is in our ward to...i don’t know
why he is here...but he spoke in church yesterday too...his Korean
definitely made me look ridiculous but whatev.
Pig Foot - Ok, but not my Fav!
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Our last day in Suji :( Me and Sis Ganpurev
We were first at transfers. We all meet at a central subway and everyone switches and goes separate lines back.
OK I want to go see if you wrote anything I'll write again.
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