Tuesday, January 10, 2012

January 8, 2012

Last month we went to a palace and one of the members took some pictures for us and just sent them - so enjoy.

Thanks for the updates! glad you got to see Elliot...i cant believe it....i remember speaking at his farewell with dad like it was yesterday! {Elder Elliot Crosby returned from his Mission this last week - he was in Janell's Grade}
I also sent a Christmas card to Susan and Richard so they sent one to me!
I'm glad you got the Christmas box! But i had more ideas of what to send after i sent it so I'm putting together another :) i just don't know when it will be ready.
I'm excited to see the blog...that would be neat to make it into a book when I'm done...kinda see it from your words :)
I'm excited to see Jenns pictures of her new house. I want to see how the girls decorated their house for Christmas.
I got Christmas card from seminary students, bishopric and 1st Presidency pretty cool! I cant believe i didn't know most the kids on the seminary paper. I'm so old! i got a Christmas card from Jody this week too...such cute family pics...love the pink and camo...and Jessie's announcement....cute to see the difference already between the two pictures.
My companion had a bad headache last night, and after weird meals our stomachs act funny...but other than that we have been really blessed with good health.I'm actually really surprised none of us have gotten colds. We even still go outside most morning for exercise! It's only snowed about twice but hasn't stuck enough for a snow-woman...sorry J.T. maybe next time!
This week has been good. we didn't transfer....so this was going to be our 3rd together, but we got a call from President this morning saying a new sister came late so I'm leaving tomorrow :( I'm super sad,,,,i just started a gymnastics kids class for the cute little family we teach and the kids in our ward. darn. and we have a baptism this Saturday :( but I'm hoping i can get permission to come back for that and see the ward one last time.I love this ward so much, they are such amazing people and they always make me laugh, I'm gonna miss them so much. I'm thinking we should come visit for spring break next year :) so you will get to meet a lot of them :) and not when its cold outside haha.  so i guess i have to go home and pack today and leave in the morning, i don't remember where I'm going so ill have to tell you next week. i think my companion is Sister Kang,  her grandparents live here in Korea and she is super good,,,,so I'm hoping my Korean will improve quick :) 
well I'm gonna go read another email while i think of what else to write about haha sorry my brain is slow and my heart is in mourning so the fingers aren't moving very fast. but i still love you...so that's good haha

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